CTAM Europe are dedicated to keep Members Connected and Switched on through the Coronavirus pandemic, with weekly webinars until 1st July. We will then return to fortnightly webinars.
We have setup Weekly Webinars – which are open to all Members AND Non-Members until 1st July. We are offering 2 months free Membership of CTAM Europe – anyone who registers for a Weekly Webinar will receive automatic Membership for 2 months. With a discount of 20% on annual membership from 1st July.
Check out the “Webinars” tab on the right.
All webinars are listed below – if you have missed any, you can watch them on-demand on the “Members Only” area.
19th March: Dennis Hodges, Creatalyst, 7 Tips to help you Effectively work from home
25th March: Bernd Riefler, Veed Analytics, How Amazon is “Quietly” becoming the new MVDP platform
1st April: Dennis Hodges, Creatalyst, 2 part workshop. Pause. Think. Create & Mind Mapping
8th April: Guy Bisson, Ampere Analysis, Top 10 Trends of 2020.
15th April: Jonathan Broughton, Media Business Industry. The New Superformats
22nd April: Jack Davison, 3Vision: The arrival of Disney+ in the UK and Key European markets amid a global pandemic
29th April: Nathalie Lethbridge, Atonik Digital & Adam Cunningham, Allied Global Marketing. Theatrical releases: COVID 19: Is this the time to transform transactional VOD? Leveraging your TVOD
6th May: Simon Murray, Digital TV Europe: European OTT & Pay TV Forecasts – and how will Covid-19 hit the TV Sector?.
13th May: Bernd Riefler, Veed Analytics: Premium SVoD and MVPD – Product challenges.
14th May: Nathalie Lethbridge, Atonik Digital & Adam Cunningham, Allied Global Marketing. “In conversation with Nathalie Lethbridge & Adam Cunningham. A follow up to Theatrical releases: COVID 19: Is this the time to transform transactional VOD? Leveraging your TVOD service”
20th May: Adam Hotchkiss, Plume. Increase your revenue with a solid smart home strategy.
27th May: Christian Kurz, ViacomCBS. Today’s TV.
3rd June: Maria Rua Agete, Omdia, #COVID-19: Prognosis for digital consumer services.
8th July: Tingting Li, Henry Beckwich, Ampere Analysis Analysts: Localisation: Battle of the SVoDs