CTAM Europe Executive Management Programme 2020
Press Release – April 2020
CTAM Europe’s Co-Chairs Louise Cottrell (SVP Affiliate Sales, AMC Networks International) and Lukas Kernell (VP Content, Liberty Global) announce the new dates for the CTAM Europe’s Executive Management programme, held at leading graduate business school INSEAD which sees the highly regarded programme relocated from June to November 2020, due to Covid-19.
Registration is open for the programme, which takes place at INSEAD’s European campus in Fontainebleau, France from 8th to 13th November 2020. The Class has currently reached 60% of capacity and interested media organisations are encouraged to contact CTAM Europe if they would like to register delegates for the remaining places
Over 175 Industry Leaders have been educated at INSEAD on the CTAM Europe Executive Management programme since its inception in 2014.
The 2019 Programme took place at the end of June and was made up with Executives from leading media organisations, including Liberty Global, AMC Networks International, Viacom, Comcast, Freewheel, Turner, Melita, CommScope, Tet Lattelecom, UpRamp, Naumac and Cable Europe.
The programme’s five-day curriculum has been developed and customised by INSEAD’s faculty especially for CTAM Europe and the industry. This year’s topics included Strategic Management, Customer Centric Value Innovation, Service Management, Digital Transformation, Value Creation in Finance and Leadership, among others. The intensive and interactive week-long course targets Top Executives and is highly-relevant to the Creativity, Entertainment, Connectivity and Cable industry and enables CTAM Europe to offer participants valuable insights and provide companies in the Entertainment and Media industry with a world-class, strategic executive programme.
The class sizes vary from 21 – 35 participants and there is plenty of opportunities for valuable Networking and Contact growth via the organised Social events throughout the week.
The programme is most suitable for Companies’ high performing executives, who will experience a week of exploring new commercial tools, strategic thinking, leadership management and development, networking – and of course a large dose of motivation!
Testimonials from the CTAM Europe @ INSEAD Alumni can be found via www.ctameurope.com and you can register via info@ctameurope.com To download the brochure, please click HERE.
Annet Aris, Adjunct Professor of Strategy at INSEAD, added: “We are delighted to continue to work together with CTAM Europe and engage with the top talent in the cable industry. The cable industry is going through a major transition and will become one of the key enablers in the digital world. The programme is specifically designed to help them understand industry challenges and opportunities from strategic, customer and organisational perspectives, and will combine the latest academic insights with senior industry expertise.”
CTAM Europe successfully modelled the course after the hugely-successful and long established Cable Executive Management at Harvard Business School programme, run by CTAM North America.
About CTAM Europe
CTAM Europe is the Cable & Telecommunications Association for Marketing and is a non-profit, non-commercial, professional membership organisation, dedicated to driving marketing excellence in the Media, Cable, Entertainment and Connectivity industry. CTAM Europe’s mission is to be the premier provider of marketing education, information and networking opportunities to individuals who work in the entertainment industry. CTAM Europe’s membership represents more than 25 leading companies including Cable Operators, Content Providers, Programmers and Service companies that support the industry. The organization is affiliated with CTAM in North America, which began in 1976 and now has almost 2,500 members worldwide. The European Chapter has 325 Members.
For more information, please visit www.ctameurope.com
As one of the world’s leading and largest graduate business schools, INSEAD offers participants a truly global educational experience. With campuses in Europe (France), Asia (Singapore) and Middle East (Abu Dhabi), INSEAD’s business education and research spans three continents. Its 145 renowned faculty members from 40 countries inspire more than 1,400 students in its degree and PhD programmes. In addition, more than 11,000 executives participate in INSEAD’s executive education programmes each year.
INSEAD’s MBA programme was ranked #1 by the Financial Times in recent years.
“The INSEAD CTAM Europe programme was an incredible experience. The quality of the professors, the standard of teaching, the interactive group teaching all made it an invaluable experience with insight and learning that can be applied to your working life. I feel, without doubt, a stronger leader as a result of the course. The cohort was also fantastic and the programme offered a wonderful opportunity to learn from other business leaders. It was also a wonderful experience to spend time on the INSEAD campus in the beautiful setting of the forest. The food was excellent and the programme of wine tasting, forest walking and fine dining made the whole week a truly valuable and unforgettable experience. I would not hesitate to recommend this programme to anyone looking to take their business learning to the next level.”
EVP MTV International, Chief Marketing Officer, Viacom UK
“The Executive Education programme offered an extremely broad curriculum in just one incredible week. I was challenged and inspired in equal measure and embraced the opportunity to engage with professionals from my industry. The group work and class debates illuminated the fast pace of change happening across sectors of the media, and armed us with the right resources to tackle this evolution. The faculty were able to bring complex topics to life; and their expertise offered real world insight into the digital challenges cable and television companies face. I finished the course with concrete examples of how to apply what I’d learnt to my own organisation, valuable insight into the future of the industry and a renewed passion for what I do.”
Head of On Air, Viasat World Ltd
“What a fantastic program, well-orchestrated, high quality professors and content. Really, my compliments for putting together this week for us, very very valuable. New insights, confirmation of certain topics & inspiration around leadership.”
Vice President B2B Customer Engagement, Liberty Global
“The CTAM Europe EMP is a great experience. An ambitious and carefully tailored program, excellent professors and the outstanding physical framework of INSEAD is a combination second to none. On top of that, the sector specific focus and the intimate group of industry peers guarantees an output which is highly relevant to your actual line of work.”
CEO, Boxer TV
“The Executive Education Programme is a superb opportunity for anyone interested in investing and developing talent within their organisation. In 2020, it will be the 8th time this hugely successful programme has been held. The Programme is offered to Senior Executives from cable, content, telecommunications and media sectors, along with technology suppliers. The programme helps attendees enhance their leadership skills and become better leaders. There are superb opportunities to engage and network with industry colleagues within one of the world’s leading and largest graduate business schools; INSEAD”
Marco Frazier, Head of Insight Studios US
For more information:
info@ctameurope.com www.ctameurope.com +44 7771 817315