Masterclass – Joerg Niessing, INSEAD
‘Optimising and digitising Customer Experience in an agile world’
Since the turn of the twenty-first century, digital has fundamentally changed our lives. Adapting to the ongoing digitisation of the economy, and of society in general, is arguably the most challenging transformation every business is currently facing. But that doesn’t mean that traditional approaches do not apply anymore or that you must reinvent yourself.
For being successful in a digital world it is crucial to understand your key objectives and to identify the means to achieve them.
Organisations need to mirror digital objectives against their core strength and competencies to identify the most important gaps. Then initiatives are identified and their economic value assessed.
In several studies ‘Optimising the digital Customer Experience’ was ranked recently as the top strategic priority by Senior Executives. Successful companies ask themselves what problems they are trying to solve, what stakeholder needs they wish to fulfill, where they stand today, and how digital trends and technologies can address these problems along the customer journey.
In this Masterclass, Joerg discusses how organisations can create exceptional Customer Experience to set themselves apart from their competition.
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