Webinar – Bernd Riefler – How Amazon is ‘quietly’ becoming a full blown MVPD platform

Bernd Riefler, Founder & CEO, veed analytics

How Amazon is ‘quietly’ becoming a full blown MVPD platform
Over the last years Amazon has continuously enlarged its video position. In the light of the “streaming wars” the discussion is often focused on the SVoD race including Amazon’s activities with Prime Video. We will take a bit of a broader look and cover the ecosystem approaches from Amazon and compare it to MVPD platforms. Additionally we will have a look how Amazon has build-up a traditional Pay-TV competitor with its Amazon channels.

Key topics being discussed:
• Amazon Video Ecosystem: How Amazon is adding up and connecting building blocks
• FireTV Ecosystem: The modern cable TV settopbox?
• Amazon channels: A more niche Pay-TV start might lead into more traditional cable packages

The presentation will be approx. 20min followed by a 10min Q&A session.

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Mar 25 2020


UK Time
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Mar 25 2020
  • Time: 10:00 am - 10:30 am

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