CTAM Europe Annual Symposium – Online for 2021
Join us on Wednesday 27th October for an afternoon of specially curated panels – the afternoon will end with a bang: Telenet CEO John Porter will be having a 121 Straight Talking session with renowned Media Commentator and Journalist, Kate Bulkley.
“Re-imagining Post-pandemic Media & Entertainment strategies”
Timings: (CET)
• 14.00 – 14.10 Co-Chairs welcome and introduction
• 14.10 – 14.55 AVOD/FAST Panel (45 minutes)
• 15.00 – 15.45 Gaming Panel (45 minutes)
• 15.50 – 16.30 1:1 Straight Talk (40 mins) – John Porter, CEO, Telenet Group in discussion with Kate Bulkley, Media Commentator & Journalist.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant behavioural and commercial changes culminating in the migration of consumers to streaming services, mobile video and on-demand consumption, and a new wave of media mega-mergers that seek to create a super tier of content owners and streamers.
A group of experts hand-picked from the fields of AVOD/SVOD, Gaming, Distribution & MVPDs will discuss some of the most pressing issues and opportunities confronting the industry today. This will include one of the more fundamental dilemmas: are we now in a world where relevance and future success will be tied to greater scale and growth internationally?
The afternoon will end with a bang: Telenet CEO John Porter will be having a 121 Straight Talking session with renowned Media Commentator and Journalist, Kate Bulkley.
We hope to answer a few integral questions such as:
• How to build new revenue sources in an era of intensifying competition and choice
• The challenge for service providers as established business models falter
• What are the key technology enablers for high-quality video
Join CTAM Europe’s experts and partners to explore how companies are reinventing content creation, optimizing media supply chains, and driving audience engagement across streaming, broadcast, and direct-to-consumer platforms. With two media-focused sessions and “1:2:1 Straight Talk”, our online assembly offers something for everyone
We’re sure to match your interest in specially curated sessions.
Register HERE