Join the EURACTIV – GIGAEurope Digital Debate Series

Green ICT – How can the digital sector accelerate the green transition?
Tuesday, 14 June 2022 | 14:30 – 15:45 CET

During the fourth EURACTIV-GIGAEurope Digital Debate Series event, policymakers, civil society organisations, and industry experts will discuss how, through collective action, we can enable a green and digital transition that works for all.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals, EU Green Deal, Paris Climate Agreement, and numerous national initiatives adopted by individual governments all reveal there is no dearth of fora and mechanisms to demonstrate the public interest and global political will to reduce green house gas emissions. According to the recently published March 2022 BEREC draft report on sustainability in the connectivity sector, the digital sector’s impact on GHG emissions is 2-4% compared to other industries.

Some industry stakeholders within the connectivity sector have gone beyond being content with these statistics. Many have already begun working toward tackling the energy intensive aspects of their operations and are currently prioritising sustainability. A number of operators have also announced their voluntary commitments to meeting ambitious goals by joining the European Green and Digital Coalition.

There is broad agreement that the ICT sector and digitalisation can have a favourable impact on international and regional climate targets, by enabling green and digital transitions. Companies in the connectivity sector have introduced initiatives around responsible and sustainable investments. For them, one of the key challenges will be to balance their role as enablers of green and digital transformations with operational resources required to implement their own sustainability efforts. Moreover, several of the EU’s Green Deal and Digital Decade 2030 targets require upgraded infrastructure and increased private investment.

Connectivity operators, within this consistently evolving sector, must contend with increased demand. They note that predictable and harmonised regulations can facilitate sustainable and responsible investments that also benefit consumers.
Join this EURACTIV EURACTIV – GIGAEurope Digital Debate to discuss how, through collective action and multi-stakeholder approaches, we can enable a green and digital transition that works for all.

Questions to be discussed will include:

• How does the current energy crisis, amplified by the current geo political situation, impact the Green Deal objectives and their implementation?
• How can green ICT contribute to a solution?
• What are the indices, metrics or KPIs that industry and stakeholders can agree to? How can industry, regulators, and policy makers reach a consensus on standardising data and methodologies?
• What should be taken into account when discussing the twin transition and the environmental footprint of the ICT sector?
• By what means should policy makers and stakeholders map sustainability-related actions in the sector and determine what should be counted towards these goals?
• About GIGAEurope


About GIGAEurope

GIGAEurope members provide reliable and secure gigabit-speed connections to over 340 million mobile customers and 40 million fixed broadband customers in 19 countries across Europe (including 16 EU Member States). As leaders in the Internet of Things (IoT), our members connect more than 142 devices and platforms.

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Jun 14 2022


1.30pm, UK Time / 1.30pm CET
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Jun 14 2022
  • Time: 8:30 am - 9:45 am